Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ABA Rating System Biased

Fox News has a report about Judge Wallace's nomination to the 5th Circuit. The ABA's rating is being questioned by the Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Sen. Arlen Specter.

Kudos to the Senators for calling into question the biased rating system used by ABA.

Professor Bainbridge on the ABA's agenda

Professor Bainbridge posted an excellent example of the ABA's political agenda here.

He writes about the ABA position on President Bush's domestic terrorist surveillance program. He calls it "just one more piece of evidence for those of us who believe that the ABA has become a left-liberal special interest group rather than a nonpartisan trade association for the legal profession."

Monday, July 31, 2006

ABA Must Stop Its Leftist Agenda

There is a great piece in the Wall Street Journal today about the ABA's Leftist agenda.